@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000080, author = {伊達, 萬里子 and DATE, Mariko and 柿本, 真弓 and 樫塚, 正一 and 五藤, 佳奈 and GOTO, Kana and GOTOU, Kana and 北島, 見江 and KITAJIMA, Mie and 田嶋, 恭江 and 伊達, 幸博 and Kakimoto, Mayumi and Kashizuka, Shoichi and 北島, 見江 and KITAJIMA, Mie and Tajima, Yasue and Date, Yukihiro}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {In a precedent study, it is suggested that the player at the period of rehabilitation received a psychological stress by the influence of sport-related injury. Given the psychological influence by sport-related injury, as well as appropriate treatment of the field of medical science, the decrease of a psychological stress is important for the early healing and a return to play. Therefore this study was aimed at structure basics document for social support by clarifying the influence that injury experience gave the mental health of the player. We has conducted an opinion survey of 130 university students, on the psychophysical condition at the time of the injury of high school days and the consciousness investigation of the rehabilitation period. Furthermore, we tried comparison analysis by sex and injury, analyzed a tendency of each mental health. As a result, occurrence mechanism of the stress at the time of injury and psychological sex difference became clear. The man who experienced injury had appealed for complaint by the influence of physical high stress. While the female person experienced injury had much physical complaint peculiar to woman, there was little mental complaint. From these results, it seems that the experience that got over adverse circumstances in rehabilitation promoted mental growth.}, pages = {77--86}, title = {競技スポーツにおける受傷経験がメンタルヘルスに及ぼす影響}, volume = {58}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ダテ, マリコ and ゴトウ, カナ and キタジマ, ミエ and キタジマ, ミエ} }