@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000055, author = {福田, 也寸子 and FUKUDA, Yasuko}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {In Japan, during to the explosive growth of economic condition after the war, traditional regional human relationship in the community has been considered to lose its place. As rapid Westernization proceeds, flooding of new culture and lifestyle including sufficient supply of junk food forced Japanese traditional food culture and subsided style of human relationship to be apparently outdated and useless. However, on occasions of large-scale nationwide disasters like earthquakes, we inevitably come to recollect the importance and necessity of mutual support and collaboration in community as indispensable issues. Now people have realized that recovery of the traditional food culture and human relationship within the community to be crucial to overcome the most difficult obstacles when people suffer from such disasters. The author considers that it would be helpful to take the opportunity of conversation and communication during the common eating situation, for the restoration and preservation of human relationship. It will also harvest the sense of health, compassion and mutual understanding. Enhancement of connection between people not only for supporting with each other but also to harbor empowerment, would contribute to the social regeneration. In this paper, some historical review and consideration of roles played by food culture among the communities are made for the restoration of human relationship in community. A potential action plan for this end is also proposed.}, pages = {107--114}, title = {コミュニティ再編に果たす食育の役割と意義}, volume = {60}, year = {2013}, yomi = {フクダ, ヤスコ} }