@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000050, author = {﨑山, ゆかり and SAKIYAMA, Yukari and 中, めぐみ and Naka, Megumi}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is hard to master how to notate humans’ movement by Kestenberg Movement Profile( KMP) for us because there are few opportunities of learning in Japan. We have been learning the technique through personal communication with KMP specialists in the United States. In order to know the notating method, we made our own original video clips of a two year old girl for analyzing materials. We also asked a KMP specialist to draw the KMP form and to offer all the raw data. From the inquiry of each notating data and many correspondences through email exchanges, we have noticed the following three issues. They are; difficulty of drawing rhythm lines, ambiguity of choosing movements for notation, and significance of attunement to clients as KMP analysts. We also have found a new important idea for notation of KMP. KMP analysts need a kind of experience of attuning clients’ rhythm through physical sense, as expectant mothers would attune their fetuses. The attunement should be also independent of any vision. This fact lets us know our Japanese advantages from our bodily cultural background. Actually, the KMP specialist studies Shiatsu and works as Shiatsu practitioner. Our bodily culture has many intimacies with harmonic movement and breathing from martial arts concept such as“ MAAI”. The concept of attunement to clients in KMP probably includes these communicative ideas. A possibility for our cultural advantage will be recognized in the process for attunement.}, pages = {63--70}, title = {Kestenberg Movement Profile の記譜における学びの過程と分析対象者への調律に関する検討}, volume = {60}, year = {2013}, yomi = {サキヤマ, ユカリ} }