@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000470, author = {岸本, 三香子 and 海野, 知紀 and 田中, 敬子 and TANAKA, Yoshiko and 岸本, 三香子 and KISHIMOTO, Mikako and Unno, Tomonori}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 自然科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {We evaluated the effects of a dessert drink supplemented with indigestible dextrin (5.0g of dietary fiber) on frequency and fecal characteristics in 38 healthy female students (age : 19.8±0.9). The subjects were divided into two groups for a crossover study. The experimental duration 6 weeks, which was divided into 4 periods consisting of non-administration period (I : one week), administration period (II : two weeks), non-administration period (III : one week) and non-administration period (IV : two weeks). The drink which does not contain indigestible dextrin was used for the placebo drink. All subjects answered questionnaire every day about defecation and fecal conditions during six weeks, and weekly the questionnaire about defecation situation. As a result, administration of the drink containing indigestible dextrin significantly increased the frequency of defecation, the number of days with defecation, and amount of defecation compared to those in the non-administration period in the group with the slight constipation (n=12). Moreover, administration of the drink containing indigestible dextrin significantly increased the number of days with defecation compared to those in placebo drink. From defecation consciousness, the improvement of constipation by drink containing indigestible dextrin ingestion was distinct.}, pages = {45--50}, title = {難消化性デキストリンを配合したデザート飲料の摂取が女子学生の排便状況および排便意識に及ぼす影響}, volume = {54}, year = {2006}, yomi = {タナカ, ヨシコ and キシモト, ミカコ} }