@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000031, author = {萱村, 俊哉 and KAYAMURA, Toshiya}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Fog test(FT)originally described by Fog and Fog(1963) is a neurological test to examine the occurrence and inhibition of involuntary associated movements(AMs) on the upper extremities of children accompanying walking with the feet inverted. In this paper, the normal development and clinical significance of AMs triggered by the FT throughout childhood is considered through a review of previous neurological and neuropsychological research using the FT or its modification(MFT).In normal children, there is a highly significant reduction in the amount of AMs with increasing age. In addition, typical sex difference( fewer AMs in girls than in boys) and laterality( fewer AMs on the left side than on the right) also exist. Children with some developmental disorders or behavioral problems tend to show more AMs than normal children, implying the presence of clinical significance of AMs examined using the FT. Nevertheless, even in normal children, subtle movements such as mild supination of the upper extremities are likely to remain after age 12. Therefore, in the interpretation of FT findings, it is necessary to recognize the lowered clinical value of such subtle movements observed in school-aged children.}, pages = {41--48}, title = {子どもの連合運動の発達指標としてのFog test とその臨床的適用}, volume = {63}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カヤムラ, トシヤ} }