@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002490, author = {玉木, 健弘 and TAMAKI, Takehiro and 堺, 日菜乃 and SAKAI, Hinano}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要, The bulletin of Mukogawa Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was conducted with high school students to determine the effects of social support on interpersonal stress. First, an analysis of variance was performed to examine differences by grade and gender. In interpersonal stress coping, main effects of grade and gender were found in positive relationship coping. An interaction effect between grade and gender was also found. Since a main effect of grade was observed, multiple comparison was conducted, and significant differences between first and second graders were found. Since an interaction effect was also observed, a simple main effect test was conducted, and differences were found between first and second grade boys and between first grade boys and girls. Next, stress levels were categorized into high and low groups, and the differences in cognitive evaluation and interpersonal stress coping in each group were examined. The results showed significant differences in coping efficacy and threat. A path analysis was also conducted. The analysis revealed that there were differences in interpersonal stress coping in the high and low stress groups. In addition, the analysis of differences in social support in the high and low stress groups indicated that there were differences between the groups.}, pages = {21--29}, title = {高校生における対人ストレスに及ぼすソーシャルサポートの検討―対人ストレスコーピングを介して―}, volume = {70}, year = {2023}, yomi = {タマキ, タケヒロ and サカイ, ヒナノ} }