@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000164, author = {横川, 公子 and YOKOGAWA, Kimiko and 延藤, 久美子 and ENDO, Kumiko and 岡田, 春香 and OKADA, Haruka and 北村, 薫子 and KITAMURA, Shigeko and 櫻谷, かおり and SAKURATANI, Kaori and 西田, 徹 and 森田, 雅子 and MORITA, Masako and 山本, 泉 and YAMAMOTO, Izumi and Nishida, Toru}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {Shokugan Research Project Team conducts research on the sociocultural phenomenon of Shokugan with a subsidy from the Suntory Foundation. The present article discusses the objectives and methods of our research. Shokugan, has its origins in omake, an ancient method of sales promotion. Omake meant either sales discount or giveaways, accompanying all sorts of goods. Shokugan, which is high quality miniature figure collectables, mainly designed in Japan and produced in China, has become a Japanese cult product and typical of the cosmopolitan lifestyle of a generation nurtured on massmedia and comics.}, pages = {109--117}, title = {食玩に関する生活文化学的研究I : 食玩情報の所在および調査方法に関する覚書}, volume = {53}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヨコガワ, キミコ and エンドウ, クミコ and オカダ, ハルカ and キタムラ, シゲコ and サクラタニ, カオリ and モリタ, マサコ and ヤマモト, イズミ} }