@article{oai:mukogawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000124, author = {﨑山, ゆかり and SAKIYAMA, Yukari}, journal = {武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {There are various methods in dance therapy and they can be applied to bodywork class in university education. Non verbal communication is important for nourishing communication skill for recent youth. The students in bodywork classes in Mukogawa Women’s University could notice the change of situation of their body and mind through several movements. Especially they found that non verbal communication through movement gave them interesting opportunities to know one another beyond their ages and faculties. They indicated these awareness through their conscious change of body and mind in the record sheet of the class. And various methods of dance therapy are useful for the bodily communication. Focusing on communication skill of students is indispensable for their future in ordinary university education.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {非言語的コミュニケーションを支えるダンスセラピー技法の検討 ―ボディワークの授業実践を通して―}, volume = {55}, year = {2008}, yomi = {サキヤマ, ユカリ} }